Climate Change- Do your part

As we speak, we are reaching a point of no return. Without increasing our sustainability as a whole, we face a world of hardship at every turn.

This is a call to action. Please keep this world a  true habitat for all to come, our children, family and friends. There are many things you can change every day without negatively effecting your livability.

BUY a drying rack- reducing significant power consumption from dryers. Air drying is much more effective than you think, and leaves your clothes smelling extra fresh!

EAT less meat- The factory farm industry is one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases, try making a meat free dinner; my favorite dish is a vegetarian curry with roasted aubergines instead of chicken.

TURN your lights off- make sure to flip all those lights off, when you leave or go to sleep. This is something I struggled to remember until i was on my own. Its an easy practice that can save the environment as well as your power bill.

STOP using single use plastics- buy a reusable water bottle and reusable meal prep containers. Spend some money- go for the premium grade, it will pay off in the end, plus enticing you to use them more often.

GO to locally sourced farmer’s markets- The farther the food that ends up on your plate is from, the more emissions it cost to get there. Farmers market’s can be a great place for extra tasty groceries!

BRING your own bags- Don’t succumb to using plastic bags at checkout, bring your own bags. I have found that its makes shopping much easier! They are much stronger than those plastic bags at every store. You can even get very stylish ones!



Better life for all

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